國立臺中教育大學 諮商與應用心理學系 - 系所成員


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1.許碧芬老師 2.羅明華老師
週三 09:10-10:00、10:20-11:10、11:20-12:10、12:20-13:10(研究室:求真樓K1035)
111,Yu, S. C (2022). The more Covid-19 information we shared; the more anxious we got? The associations among social media use, anxiety, and coping strategies. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 25, (12), 776-783. ((SSCI, IF= 6.135,IF= 6.135, JCR - Q1).,25, pp776-783,(SSCI)
111,Yu, S. C & Chang C.W*. (2022). The Effect of Positive Intervention Dosing Frequency: Fixed Intervals May Decrease More Depression than Flexible Ones. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(15):9227. (IF= 4.614 (2021) , JCR - Q1,(SSCI)
111,Sheldon, K. M. & Yu, S. C* (2022). Methods of Gratitude Expression and their Effects upon Well-being: Texting may be just as Rewarding as and less Risky than Face-to-face. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 17:5, 690-700, DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2021.1913639. (SSCI) (IF = 4.290 (2021), JCR - Q1),(SSCI)
111,張君瑋、游森期*(2022)。以網路進行長處介入方案對大學生個人成長主動性與正向心理狀態影響之研究:以重新框架為基礎。臺中教育大學學報,36(1), 29 - 47(通訊作者)
111,Liu, HC., Chen, HR., Yu, SC., Shih, YT. (2022). Effect of Learning Computational Thinking Using Board Games in Different Learning Styles on Programming Learning. In: Huang, YM., Cheng, SC., Barroso, J., Sandnes, F.E. (eds) Innovative Technologies and Learning. ICITL 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13449. Springer, Cham.
110,Sheldon, K. M. & Yu, S. C* (2021). Methods of Gratitude Expression and their Effects upon Well-being: Texting may be just as Rewarding as and less Risky than Face-to-face. The Journal of Positive Psychology. (Published online: 19 Apr 2021) (SSCI)
110,Lai MJ., Chen HR., Yu SC. (2021) Impact of the IRS Idiom Teaching on Elementary Students’ Learning Achievement and Motivation. In: Huang YM., Lai CF., Rocha T. (eds) Innovative Technologies and Learning. ICITL 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13117. Springer, Cham.
109Yu, S. C* Chen, H. R. An-Chia Liu, & Hsin-Yu Lee,Yu, S. C* Chen, H. R. An-Chia Liu, & Hsin-Yu Lee (2020, Dec). Toward COVID-19 Information: Infodemic or Fear of missing out?. Healthcare, 8(4),550.. (SSCI, 45/87 (Q3) in 'Health Policy & Services' (SSCI)). MOST 107-2511-H-142-011-MY3.,Healthcare,8,(SSCI)
109,Yu, S. C*& Chen, H. R. (2020, Oct). Ephemeral but Influential? The Correlation between Facebook Stories Usage, Addiction, Narcissism, and Positive Affect. .Healthcare, 8(4), 435. (SSCI, 45/87 (Q3) in 'Health Policy & Services' (SSCI)).MOST 107-2511-H-142-011-MY3.,Healthcare,8,(SSCI)
109,Yu, S. C*., Sheldon,K. M., Lan, W. P., & Chen, J. H. (2020, Sep). Using Social Network Sites to Boost Savoring: positive Effects on Positive Emotions. .International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17),6407.. (SSCI, 32/170 (Q1) in 'Public, Environmental & Occupational Health'(SSCI)). MOST 107-2511-H-142-011-MY3.,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17,(SSCI)
109,Yu, S.C. (2020, July). Does using social network sites reduce depression and promote happiness? An example of Facebook-based positive interventions..International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction,, 16(3), 56-69.. (EI).MOST 107-2511-H-142-011-MY3.,International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction,16,(SSCI,EI)
108,陳嘉慧、游森期*(2019)。以社群網站進行正向品味介入:以臺灣大學生為例。臺中教育大學學報, 33(2),31-47。(通訊作者),(其他)
104,Yu, S.- C. (2015). Happiness or addiction: An example of Taiwanese college students’ use of Facebook. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 11(4), 26-40.,(EI)
104,Yu, S.- C., & Chou, C.(2015). Does happiness in the cyberspace promote that in the real-world? Testing on reciprocal relationships using cross-lagged structural equation modeling. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 11(2), 33-44.,(EI)
102,Yu, S. C., & Hsu, W. H. (2013).Applying Structural Equation Modeling Methodology to Test Validation: An Example of Cyberspace Positive Psychology Scale. Quality & Quantity, 47(6), 3423-3434. ,(SSCI)
102,Yu, S. C., Lin, Y. H. & Hsu, W. H. (2013). Applying structural equation modeling to report psychometric properties of Chinese version 10-item CES-D depression scale. Quality & Quantity,47(3), 1511-1518 . ,(SSCI)
100,Yu, S. C., & Hsu, W. H. (2012 July 18, Online First).Applying Structural Equation Modeling Methodology to Test Validation: An Example of Cyberspace Positive Psychology Scale. Quality & Quantity. DOI 10.1007/s11135-012-9730-3 (SSCI),(SSCI)
98,Yu, S. C., & Chou, C. (2009). Does Authentic Happiness Exist in Cyberspace? Implications for Understanding and Guiding College Students’ Internet Attitudes and Behaviors. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(6), 1135-1138.. (SSCI) (NSC 97-2511-S-030 -003 -MY2).,British Journal of Educational Technology,6, pp1135~1138,(SSCI)
98,Chou. C., Yu, S. C., Chen C. H., & Wu. H. C. (2009): Tool, Toy, Telephone, Territory, or Treasure of Information: Elementary school students' attitudes toward the Internet. Computers & Education, 53(2), 308-316. (SSCI),Computers & Education,2, pp308~316,(SSCI)
98,Yu, S. C., & Wu, B. (2009). Fuzzy Item Response Model: A New Approach to generate membership function for psychological measurement. Quality and Quantity, 43 (3), 381-390 (SSCI) ,Quality and Quantity,3, pp381~390,(SSCI)
97,Chin, J. M .C., &. Yu, S. C. (2008) . School Adjustment among Children of Immigrant Mothers in Taiwan. Social Behavior and Personality, 36 (8), 1141-1150.. (SSCI) (Correspondence author, NAER-95-09-A-1-11-05 -2-11),Social Behavior and Personalit,8, pp1141~1150,(SSCI)
96,Yu, S. C., & Yu, M, M. (2007). Fuzzy Partial Credit Scaling: A more valid approach to scoring Beck Depression Inventory II. Social Behavior and Personality, 35 (9), 1163-1172. (SSCI) (NSC-95-2413-H-211-001).,Social Behavior and Personality,9, pp1163~1172,(SSCI)
96,Yu, S. C., & Yu, M, M. (2007).Comparison of Internet-Based and Paper-Based Questionnaires in Taiwan Using Multi-Sample Invariance Approach. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 10(4): 501-507. (SSCI) (NSC-93-2413-H-004-008 and NSC-95-2413-H-211-001.),CyberPsychology and Behavior,4, pp501~507,(SSCI)
96,Yu, S. C., & Lin, Y. H. (2007). Applying fuzzy theory to scoring psychological measurements. Kansei Engineer, 25, 81-86. (NSC-95-2413-H-211-001.),Kansei Engineer, pp81~86,(其他)
96,Yu, S. C., & Lin, Y. H. (2007). Applications of Fuzzy Theory on Health Care: An Example of Depression Disorder Classification Based on FCM. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications, 1, (5), 31-36. (NSC-95-2413-H-211-001) (EI),WSEAS Transactions on Information Science & Applications,5, pp31~36,(EI)
95,林原宏、游森期(2006)。應用次序理論於解題規則的階層結構分析。測驗學刊,53(2)。239-260。(TSSCI期刊),測驗學刊,2, pp239~260,(TSSCI)
95,游森期、余民寧(2006)。知識結構診斷評量與S-P表之關聯性研究。教育與心理研究,29(1),183-208。(TSSCI期刊)(國科會計畫編號:NSC-90-2614-S-004-011 及NSC-91-2521-S-004-011),教育與心理研究,1, pp183~208,(TSSCI)
92,游森期(2003)。臺灣地區大學生人格特質、網路成癮、憂鬱與焦慮之結構方程式模式檢定。教育與心理研究,26(3), 501-525頁。(TSSCI期刊),教育與心理研究,3, pp501~525,(TSSCI)
91,游森期(2002)。青少年網路成癮之成因探討。學生輔導,83, 109-118頁。,學生輔導, pp109~118,(其他)
90,游森期(2001) 。「e世代」青少年的輔導 。輔導通訊, 67 , 12-19頁。,輔導通訊, pp12~19,(其他)
90,游森期(2001) 。 e 世代青少年網路成癮及網路使用之輔導策略。學生輔導,74,34-43 頁。,學生輔導, pp34~43,(其他)
112Sen-Chi Yu*, Hong-Ren Chen Tong-Rong, Chen, and Yu-Wen Yang. (2023). My Flourishing Diary: A Website for Mental Health Education and Positive Psychology Intervention. Paper Presented on the International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning (ICITL 2023). Porto, Portugal, Aug. 28 –30, 2023.
112Sen-Chi Yu*, Yi-Jung Lee, Hsiao-Pei Chang, Meng-En Yu, and Zhi-Fang Sung. (2023). The correlations between social media use and depression during the Covid-19 pandemic: An example from Taiwan. Paper Presented on the 14th Asian Conference on the Social Sciences (ACSS2023), May 26-29, 2023. Tokyo, Japan.
110Lin Y. H & Yu S. C (July, 30, 2021). Clustering on the statistics anxiety styles of pre-service teachers. International Conference on Interdisciplinary Innovation for the Post-Epidemic Era, CAIIAS.
105Yu, S. C., Lan, W. P. & Hsieh, L. C. (2016 , AUG). The Relationship among Smartphone Addiction, Depression, and Internet Addiction: An Example of Taiwanese College Students. Paper Presented on the The Institute for Public Policy and Economic Analysis (IPPEAN) conference. New York City, USA.
103Yu, S.- C., Hsieh, L.- C. & Lan, W.- P.(2015 , JUL). Facebook Involvement and Social Capital: Online and Offline. Poster presented at the 4th International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Hokkaido, Japan.
103游森期、籃文彬、陳郁蓁、陳彤榕(2014,11月)。Facebook涉入與社會資本及網路社會資本之相關性研究。「2014 台灣統計方法學學會年會暨學術研討會」發表之論文,國立中興大學,臺中市,臺灣。
102Hsu, W. - H., Yu, S.- C., Yu, M.- M., Lan, W.- P. & Shie, L. - C.(2014 , MAR). The relationship between Facebook use and psychological well-being: An example of Taiwan college students. Poster presented at 2014 International Conference on Computer, Intelligent Computing and Education Technology , Hong Kong, China.
101Wang, Y.-F., Wu, J.-T., Li, H.-C., & Yu, S.-C. (2012 , Aug). Attachment, coping, and Taiwanese adolescent distress: Testing two competing models. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
101Yu, S. C., Hsu, W. H., Yu, M. M., & Hsu, H. Y. (2012 , AUG). Is the use of social networking sites correlated with internet addiction? Facebook Use among Taiwanese College Students. Poster session presented at International Conference on Information and Computer Applications (ICICA 2012), Paris, France.
100游森期、黃聖夫、籃文彬(2011,10月)。網路世界是否能發揮正向心理學之長處與美德:以大學生為例。「2011 台灣統計方法學學會年會暨學術研討會」發表之論文,大同大學,臺北市,臺灣。
100游森期、籃文彬、黃聖夫(2011,10月)。憂鬱症患者之長處與美德: 與大學生之比較。「2011 台灣統計方法學學會年會暨學術研討會」發表之論文,大同大學,臺北市,臺灣。
100Yu, S. C., Hsu, W. H., Huang, S. F., & Lan, W. P. (2011 , OCT). Taiwan College Students’ Strengths and Virtues on Virtual Space: A Pilot Study. Paper Presented on The 2011 Las Vegas International Academic Conference. Las Vegas, USA.
100Yu, S. C., Hsu, W. H., Huang, S. F., & Lan, W. P. (2012 , MAR). Psychometric properties of the Cyberspace Positive Psychology Scale: A Preliminary Report. Paper Presented on International Conference on Humanities, Economics and Geography (ICHEG'2012) , Bangkok, Thailand.
98Yu, S. C, Chou, C., & Lin, Y. H., (2009 , OCT). Pleasant Life Online and Offline: Implications for Understanding College Students' Virtual Lives. International Conference on Education and Information Technology 2009(ICEIT'09) . San Francisco, USA. (ISBN:978-988-17012-6-8) pp.658 - 661.
98Lin, Y. H., & Yu, S. C. (2009 , DEC). An Integrated Concept Diagnosis based on Polytomous IRS and Learning Styles with Application in Fraction Subtraction Assessment. Fourth International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2009) . Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (EI)
97Yu, S. C., Chou, C., Lin, Y. H., & Wang, S. T. (2009 , MAR). Positive psychology in Virtual Space: Validating Cyberspace Pleasant-life Scale. Paper Presented on Education and Development Conference 2009. Bangkok , Thailand.
96李慧玟、鄭琿、游森期 (2007,11月)。綜合醫院青少年保健門診個案對心理衛生需求及滿意度調查。「2007台灣精神醫學會年會46週年年會暨學術研討會」發表之論文,高雄市,臺灣。
96Yu, S. C., & Yu, M. (2008 , JAN). Fuzzy Partial Credit Scaling: Combining Rasch model with Fuzzy Theory as a Scoring Schema. Paper Presented on the Third International Rasch Measurement Conference , Perth, Australia.
95Lin, Y., & Yu, S. C. (2007 , JAN). The Ordering Analysis of Concepts for Sophomores of Learning Deficiencies in Calculus. Paper Presented on the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education , Hawaii, USA.
95Yu, S. C., & Yu, M. (2007 , JUL).Fuzzy Partial Credit Scaling: Applying Fuzzy Set Theory to Scoring Rating Scales. Paper Presented on the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS2007), Tokyo, Japan.
94陳嘉成、游森期(2005,11月)。雙峰分配現象的國際比較----以台灣、南韓、澳洲與塞普勒斯的 TIMSS 2003資料之學生背景變項為例。「2005教育與心理測驗學術研討會」發表之論文,國立政治大學,臺北市,臺灣。
94Wu, B. , Lin, Y., & Yu, S. C. (2005 , JUN ).Fuzzy Partition Analysis of Rules Usage on OJT with Multiple Raw Rule Score. Paper presented in 2005 International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics , Fu Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan.
94林原宏 、游森期(2005,11月)。Fuzzy Partition Analysis of Rule Usage Pattern on Probability Reasoning Test with Multiple Rule-Based Score。「2005教育與心理測驗學術研討會」發表之論文,國立政治大學,臺北市,臺灣。
93游森期、余民寧(2005,5月)。網路問卷與傳統問卷之比較:多樣本均等性方法學之應用。「2005學習與創造 - 教育與創新國際學術研討會」發表之論文,國立政治大學,臺北市,臺灣。
93林原宏 、游森期(2005,6月)。應用次序理論於解題規則的階層結構分析。「 2005 學習、教學、與評量國際研討會」發表之論文,國立臺灣師範大學,臺北市,臺灣。
111正向心理科技:疫情蔓延時的心理健康教材發展、行動健康應用程式開發、長期追蹤與跨國比較。 MOST 110-2511-H-142 -010 -MY3科技部專題研究游森期2021-08~2024-07科技部
110科技讓心理學更聰明: 大學生正向心理輔導教材與手機應用程式開發之研究(MOST 107-2511-H-142 -011 -MY3)游森期2021-07~2021-07科技部
108科技讓心理學更聰明: 大學生正向心理輔導教材與手機應用程式開發之研究(MOST 107-2511-H-142 -011 -MY3)游森期2020-08~2021-07科技部專題研究案
106Instagram in, Facebook out? 大學生社群網站Instagram使用行為、預測因子、經驗取樣、潛在結果與健康使用教育輔導方案發展之研究游森期2017-01~2017-12
105正向手機使用心理學:使用心理側寫與分群、 即時與縱貫性測量、植基於正向心理學之手機使用教育輔導方案(MOST-105-2511-S-142-004)游森期2016-08~2017-07科技部專題研究案
103研發師資生職涯興趣量表方案-適性發展量表,以篩選適合從事教師志業者,教育部補助師資培育之大學精緻特色發展計畫申請書-國立臺中教育大學秉持師範精神、發揮新教育愛 ICP(愛師培)計畫游森期2014-08~2015-07國立台中教育大學
103低頭族現象:大學生智慧型手機使用之預測因子、心理影響與教育意涵/計畫編號: MOST 103-2511-S-142-014-MY2游森期2014-08~2016-07
104低頭族現象:大學生智慧型手機使用之預測因子、心理影響與教育意涵/計畫編號:MOST 103-2511-S-142-014-MY2游森期2014-08~2016-07科技部
102青少年社群網站使用之心理結果與教育意涵:以Facebook為例/計畫編號: NSC 101-2511-S-142-009-MY2游森期2012-08~2014-07
101整合式職場心理健康方案-企業雲端健康平台之服務建置(IAC-A-101012)游森期2012-02~2013-01國立台中教育大學與台灣雲康資訊股份有限公司 產學合作案
99網路世界之正向心理學:多重方法論測量、潛在成長檢定、介入改變之可能性研究(三年期)(NSC-99-2511-S-142-009-MY3 )游森期2010-08~2013-07國科會專題研究案
97虛擬空間的正向心理學: 網路世界之真實快樂(兩年期)主持人游森期2008-08~2010-07國科會
97虛擬空間的正向心理學: 網路世界之真實快樂(兩年期) (NSC-97-2511-S-030 -003 -MY2).游森期2008-08~2010-07國科會專題研究案
國立編譯館心理學名詞審議委員會 委員2009-00~2011-00
輔仁大學 心理系助理教授2008-00~2009-00
國立交通大學 教育研究所 兼任助理教授2006-00~2008-00
國立政治大學教師研習中心 兼任助理教授2005-00~2008-00
華梵大學師資培育中心 助理教授2005-00~2008-00